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Boston Marathon Results 2013

Bib Number Exact Match Last Name

Find Your Boston Marathon Results Fast!

Search Past Champions and History of the Greatest Race on Earth

Looking for your Boston Marathon results? Want to see how you stacked up against the competition? Our easy-to-use search tool makes it simple to find your results by bib number or last name.

Just enter your information in the search bar below and click "Search." We'll pull up your results from the past years of the Boston Marathon, so you can see how you've improved over time.

You can also use our search tool to find information about past champions and the history of the Boston Marathon. Just enter your search criteria in the bar below and click "Search."

Whether you're a seasoned runner or a first-timer, our search tool is the perfect way to find the information you're looking for about the Boston Marathon.

So what are you waiting for? Search your results today!
